Brain Cancer Prevention & Screening
Not all tumours of the brain are the same. There may be variations, depending on the size, aggressiveness, location and growth of the tumours, causing corresponding variations in the signs and symptoms of the brain tumours . One must always be aware of the family's medical history, including the cases of cancers and brain tumors. A history of genetic syndromes that may cause brain cancer must be taken seriously and communicated to one's doctor. For instance, a family history of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, and Turcot syndrome can increase the chances of brain cancer. Understanding these threats of brain tumor can make all the difference, by helping identify the brain tumours at an early stage.
Although there are many symptoms of brain tumor that may appear, it is important to get oneself screened if the following symptoms appear :
- Seizures
- Frequent headaches of increased severity, commonly accompanied by vomiting
- Slurred speech
- Loss of memory & vision
Ignoring these brain cancer symptoms can be especially detrimental if they persist for over a month. Ignoring the signs and/or avoiding treatment for brain tumor can worsen the situation. In such a scenario, it is important to visit a Neurologist, Neurosurgeon or General Physician, at the earliest. Brain Cancers can be best managed with timely detection.